The Corner

Better Red Than Ted

Over in the Geraghtistan province of the NR caliphate, Jim mentions that Scott Brown won Hyannis Port. True. The famous Kennedy “compound” (I believe Hyannis is the only real-estate market where the designation doesn’t involve ATF agents staking out militia men and survivalists) is part of the town of Barnstable. If you look at the Town Clerk’s numbers, Senator-elect Brown (R., Mass.) won every single precinct to carry the town with 61 percent of the vote.

Nothing especially unusual about that: In every town in Massachusetts without exception, the Democrat vote fell. But it does have a special symbolism. Last night was truly the end of Camelot, a concept that lingered on mainly through the assiduous promotion of aging courtiers and media groupies. The Kennedy brand isn’t stellar enough to sell government health care and bankrupting America’s future. Nor is the Obama brand.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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