The Corner

Between Marx and Jesus

As part of its continuing series on how they think you should know the economy stinks, even as unemployment is below five percent and growth is humming along, the Washington Post today highlights the radical views of “undercover reporter” Barbara Ehrenreich. (Oops, well, they highlight Ehrenreich and plug her books, but her “feminist-socialist” views are left to one little sentence in paragraph 14.)

Hint: This is the woman who urged people in 1998 to buy the spiffy new Verso edition of the Communist Manifesto since “its message is a timeless one that bears repeating every century or so: The meek shall triumph and the mighty shall fall; the hungry and exhausted will get restless and someday — someday! — rise up against their oppressors. The prophet Isaiah said something like this, and so, a little more recently, did Jesus.”

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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