The Corner


Biden Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About: Recent-Polling Edition

President Joe Biden speaks to the press before boarding Air Force One at Hagerstown Regional Airport in Hagerstown, Md., March 5, 2024. (Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/Reuters)

Today, in a brief exchange with reporters, President Biden insisted that he was leading in the last five polls.

It’s hard to get a clear sense of what Biden has in mind. In the RealClearPolitics average, Biden leads just three of the last ten national polls, with one tied. It’s a similar story over at FiveThirtyEight. Both RCP and FiveThirtyEight are pretty darn good poll aggregators, and it’s unlikely that they would miss some survey that the allegedly anti-Biden mainstream media has refused to mention — much less miss five in a row.

Nor is it possible that Biden was referring to polling in the swing states. Trump has led every recent poll in ArizonaGeorgia, Michigan, Nevada, and North Carolina. Biden has led three of the last five in Pennsylvania and one of the last five in Wisconsin, with two ties.

You can’t “win” a job-approval poll, but those, too, are looking grim for Biden. His job-approval rating is at 38.2 in the FiveThirtyEight average, and 39.6 in the RCP average.

In other words, once again, when confronted with a tough question, Biden offered a happy-talk response that has no connection to reality. Everything always looks okay to Mr. Magoo.

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