The Corner

Biden Knows Where Bin Laden Is?

Yeah, and … ?

Bill Clinton and Biden knew where Bin Laden was after the embassy bombings killed over 200 people and after the Cole bombing killed 17 U.S. members of the U.S. Navy.  Why didn’t they have someone go get him then?

Biden knew where the mullahs were after they killed 19 members of the U.S. air force in the Khobar Towers bombing, and his great idea was … that we should write them a ”no strings attached” check for $200 million after the 9/11 attacks killed nearly 3000 Americans.

I wish we’d get bin Laden.  But I think most of us would rather know where he is and know that he’s having trouble attacking the United States because we’ve killed thousands of jihadists over the last seven years.  That’s a lot better than knowing where he is and knowing we’re going to have more attacks because we’re not doing much about it — other than prosecuting 29 jihadists, as we did during the Clinton years.

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