The Corner

Biden: Obama and I Aren’t ‘Technology Geeks,’ Thought Website Would Be Fine

On Wednesday, Vice President Biden apologized for the disastrous rollout of the federal health-care website, saying that he and President Obama thought that the website was ready, but didn’t understand it themselves.

“Neither he and I are technology geeks, and we assumed that it was up and ready to run,” Biden told HLN’s Christi Paul in an interview. “The good news is — although it’s not, and we apologize for that — we’re confident that by the end of November it will be and there will still be plenty of time for people to register online.”

When asked if he had tried the website, Biden said, “Actually, the president tried to get online and my daughter tried to get online. I did not because it was clear that I wasn’t getting online.”

Biden was unable to explain why the website is not functioning, but he called the delay “inexcusable.” “I don’t know the technical reasons,” he said. “I don’t know, I wish I could tell you. That’s why I became a lawyer.”

Via the Huffington Post.

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