The Corner

Biden Proud to Be President of the United States

Freudian slip?

Hours before he and President Barack Obama were due to be sworn in for their second four-year terms, Biden told supporters at the Iowa State Society inauguration ball late Saturday: “I’m proud to be president of the United States.”

The audience laughed and then cheered. Biden’s son Beau, Delaware’s attorney general, interrupted his father and told the crowd he had misspoken.

And there’s this, from the New York Times:

The guest list for Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s swearing-in for a second term on Sunday suggested that he might indeed want to replace President Obama in four years.

Gov. Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, the first presidential primary state, was among the people to join Mr. Biden, his family and close political associates at the vice president’s residence.

Biden also stopped by another inaugural ball on Sunday to share his thoughts:

“I’ll tell you what my green dream is: that we finally face up to climate change,” Biden said during a surprise appearance at the “Green Ball,” an inaugural weekend event for environmental groups. . . .

Biden offered no details about what the administration’s approach will be but said, “I don’t intend on ending this four years without getting an awful lot more done.”

And, in an apparent knock to Republicans who question climate science, he said, “There is science in the White House.”

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