The Corner

Biden Spins a Football Yarn

The Obama campaign and reporters have found many opportunities to mention that Paul Ryan either lied about or incorrectly recalled his marathon time, for which Congressman Ryan has apologized. Last week, Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters:

The question here is which Paul Ryan is going to come to the debate later this week.  Is it going to be the Paul Ryan who has been misleading about everything from his marathon time to details and specifics he included in his convention speech?  Or is it going to be the Paul Ryan who has eagerly embraced voucherizing Medicare and tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires? 

Ryan’s counterpart, Vice President Joe Biden, has plagiarized both campaign speeches and academic papers. And now, he’s spinning yarns about his glory days as a college football player. Both Gateway Pundit and Breitbart have noted his remark, during a campaign speech in Athens, Ohio back in September:

Well, I wanna tell you, I came, I was a football player, I came, I came here in 1963, and I had to go back, I just double checked my memory – you know, you get my age and you’re not so sure of it, you know, your glory days look more glorious than they really were and all that, so we went back on the Internet and I just want you to know, I came here in October 1963, and we beat you Bobcats 29-12…

The University of Delaware did play and defeat the University of Ohio in 1963, but Joe Biden wasn’t on the team. In his memoir, Promises to Keep, Biden recalls quitting the football team in the fall of 1962.

…I realized that if I played football, my weekends were taken.

Biden goes on to recount telling the coach he wouldn’t be playing. Gateway Pundit, however, dug up Biden’s University of Delaware “prominent alumnus” profile, which notes that he played flag football. I don’t think the resounding victory he referred to in his stump speech was that of the University of Delaware’s flag football team, though.

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