The Corner

Politics & Policy

Biden Wants to Turn Back the Clock on Title IX

To the surprise of no one, the Biden regime has chosen to return to the dark days of Title IX enforcement. Just like nominating a black woman to the Supreme Court, this was a pledge to a big leftist support group that had to be kept.

In today’s Martin Center article, Joseph Warta asks readers to remember the abuses that occurred under Title IX during the Obama era.

“The original legislation,” he writes, “meant simply to level the playing field, has turned into a cudgel with which overzealous colleges and universities can impose their agendas. Obama-era interpretations of Title IX moved the collegiate judicial system toward a standard of ‘guilty until proven innocent,’ even though accusations are often impossible to disprove. Perhaps worst of all is that these affronts to justice have been made under the guise of gender equality.”

Under the hyper-aggressive Title IX bureaucrats at almost every college and university, students and faculty members could be dragged through exhausting “investigations” and usually subjected to a range of punishments. A good example is Professor Laura Kipnis, who was targeted by irate female students because she offered an opinion on gender that angered them. Title IX made it easy for anyone claiming to have been “harassed” to take revenge.

And the current furor over “incorrect pronouns” can also lead to Title IX trouble.

Warta concludes, “The problem with these and similar stories is not just that they represent an injustice, even though they undoubtedly do. Rather, the dilemma is that they signify the corruption of a worthy goal. The original intent of Title IX has been tragically disregarded in favor of nefarious alternative pursuits. As a consequence, gender equality and safety have been trampled.”

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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