The Corner

Biden Yuks It Up on Late Night with Seth Meyers

Joe Biden received a warm welcome as one of the first guests on the debut of Late Night with Seth Meyers: Amy Poehler sat on the vice president’s lap. “Don’t slow her up — let her go,” Biden remarked as she moved away.

Other than a briefly paean to high-speed rail, the conversation largely stayed away from politics (worth nothing, Obamacare didn’t come up once). While Poehler was noticeably giddy throughout the interview, Meyers took to ribbing Biden about his fascination with trains, his state-of-the-union mannerisms, and his remarks about the poor state of LaGuardia airport.

“Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I think you want to close all the airports, so we just travel by trains,” Meyers said.

Meyers later asked Biden if he had made a decision on whether he would run in 2016. “I was planning on making a major announcement tonight . . . but I decided tonight was your night,” Biden teased.

As for Poehler’s 2016 plans? “I’m going to run for president,” she quipped.

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