The Corner

Politics & Policy

Biden’s Freudian Slip

President Biden speaks to reporters while departing Des Moines International Airport in Des Moines, Iowa, April 12, 2022. (Al Drago/Reuters)

In an interview yesterday, Biden offered several characteristically jumbled comments responding to the leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion that would overrule Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

One of his comments was particularly telling: “So I mean, the idea that we’re going to make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child, based on a decision by the Supreme Court, I think goes way overboard.”

Abort a what? This is the first time I can recall hearing a pro-abortion politician acknowledge what takes place in an abortion procedure. A child is aborted. Not a clump of cells, not a part of the mother. A child.

That’s the grisly truth that abortion supporters paper over with euphemisms of all stripes: women’s rights, women’s health care, reproductive health care, reproductive justice, reproductive freedom, the right to choose, the right to control one’s own body, the right to make medical decisions, clumps of cells, products of conception. But the truth is a stubborn thing, and somewhere beneath these layers of nonsense, Biden knows what abortion is, as we all do.

In a just world, reporters would ask every Democrat in Washington about Biden’s comment. Here in the real world, it’ll quickly be forgotten.

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