The Corner

Big Marriage Wins in the Making?

Things are looking good for marriage amendments in California, Florida and Arizona.

California is the big surprise.  After discouraging polls all summer, the  latest CBS News/SurveyUSA Today poll shows Prop 8, the California marriage amendment, surging ahead 47 percent to 42 percent, with 10 percent undecided — that’s a ten point swing since the Yes on Prop 8 campaign ads started airing. 

Younger voters are leading the swing against gay marriage, reports CBS News. Why? My best guess is: a lot of them are parents who don’t really want their schools teaching their 5 year olds about King and King (See the latest ad, at

BTW, Pepperdine’s is calling on the Yes on 8 campaign to stop identifying Prof. Richard Peterson as a Pepperdine Law School professor. 

Meanwhile the Miami Herald is conceding that polls show the Florida marriage amendment commands a strong majority support.

Getting to 60 percent is a big hurdle, but the undecideds tend to break in favor of marriage amendments.

In Arizona the latest poll shows the marriage amendment is up 49 percent to 40 percent.

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