The Corner

Bill Maher Defends Christian Right

No, it’s not the Onion, it is Bill Maher on the Charlie Rose show pointing out the difference between Islam and Christianity. He is responding to President Obama’s assertion that there is no relationship between Islam and Islamism:

Maher: There are illiberal beliefs that are held by vast numbers of Muslim people –

Rose: A vast number of Christians too.

Maher: No, that’s not true. Not true. Vast numbers of Christians do not believe that if you leave the Christian religion you should be killed for it. Vast numbers of Christians do not treat women as second class citizens. Vast numbers of Christians –

Rose: I agree with that.

Maher: . . .do not believe if you draw a picture of Jesus Christ you should get killed for it.

Thanks, Bill, for noticing. 

The effort by Presidents Bush and Obama to create space for Muslims to reject terrorism and live in peace, like the overwhelming majority of our Muslim fellow citizens do here, is noble and necessary –  I might say downright Christian – if frustrating.

President Obama is right about one thing: Very few people of any religion want the Islamic State. That’s why they have to terrorize their own people to gain power. But terrorists do not need majority support to terrorize, and the Islamic sources of their ideology are a powerful recruiting tool that only Muslims have the power to de-legitimate, or separate from their religion.

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