The Corner

Billions of Dollars in Cash Back at Uncle Sam Autos!

Congressional Quarterly:

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer said Tuesday he would expedite legislation to create a “cash for clunkers” program if needed to encourage consumers to trade in older cars for more fuel-efficient models.

“The White House believes legislation is necessary. I don’t want to make a judgement yet. But if they believe that, then we will act,” the Maryland Democrat said, adding, “I believe it will get a hearing.”

President Obama said Monday he would work with Congress to create a credit for vehicle owners to trade in old cars and trucks.

Two House Democrats, Betty Sutton of Ohio and Steve Israel of New York, have introduced legislation to create such a program, which they say would help the environment by taking inefficient cars off the road while helping hard-pressed automakers boost sales.

“The objective makes sense,” Hoyer said.

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