The Corner

Bioethics Ftr

May’s issued a statement now:

I have completed with great pleasure a two-year term on the President’s Council on Bioethics. That is what I expected to do when I accepted

appointment. From the outset, both by the roster of council members and in

his conduct of meetings, the chair of the council, Dr. Leon Kass, sought

to develop both sides of issues in bioethics as fully as possible so as to

produce documents that would be a continuing resource in our national

deliberations. I expect him to continue to do so and have expressed my

willingness to serve as a consultant in that effort. This willingness

grows out of great respect for Dr. Kass and, of course, for my diverse

former colleagues on the council.

William F. May, PhD

Fellow of the Institute for Practical Ethics And Public Life, University

of Virginia,

Professor Emeritus of Southern Methodist University

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