The Corner

Blackwell and Steele

I am fond of both Ken Blackwell and Michael Steele. They both strike me as good men who love their country and appreciate what conservatism has to offer. While Steele lost his race for the Senate, he seemed to reach a more-than-right-wing audience. I’m about the last person to want to pull the race card, but here’s a question for discussion: Assuming Blackwell and or Steele are among the best men in the race, wouldn’t it be advisable at this moment in time to give either one of them serious consideration?

Flip through Essence this month; talk to train or bus riders I daresay near anywhere; heck, read Bill Bennett. This country is having a moment. And if a black RNC chair would help us get beyond same-old race politics, it could be a very good thing. It may be smart politics for the RNC to consider that.

I fully acknowledge we’re putting aside many real policy issues to have this moment and that makes me very uncomfortable, needless to say. It may also happen, of course, that no one cares that the GOP has a black chairman. Perhaps (probably?) he’ll be called an “Uncle Tom” and all the rest. But if he can say a few nice things about Obama and then show, legitimate policy issue by legitimate policy issue, why Obama and his party’s positions are hurtful to constituencies that are not traditional Republican voters, it might be something else for the party voters to consider. It’s a big if, I realize. But in the day of alternative media, a smart leader might be able to pull it off.

Like I said, just worth discussing here at the watercooler.

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