The Corner

Politics & Policy

Blame to Share for Vaccine Hesitancy

MBD explains how the public-health establishment’s dishonesty, hype, and spin during Covid has made people less trusting and therefore less willing to get vaccinated, even for measles. I think he’s right about that but would add that a lot of people, disproportionately on the right, have discouraged vaccination by the simpler expedient of trashing it. Note, for example, the commentators who use every person who dies before his time to speculate that the Covid vaccine is responsible. (Their justification: It seems like such cases are happening more frequently since they’ve started looking for them.)

In part this is a cycle of folly: Wild anti-vaccine claims make the public-health world more determined to crack down on misinformation, too-broadly defined, and its ham-handed efforts yield more distrust. (Ari Schulman had an excellent essay about this feature of the Covid wars in NR.) But the people propagating anti-vaccine nonsense have free will, and some of them have decided to cater to a market without regard for truth.

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