The Corner

Bleg—18 Inch Outdoor Thermometer

OK, here’s a bleg.  Any help would be much appreciated.

My house faces north.  There’s a detached garage out back.  If I stand looking out my kitchen window, I am looking up the south half of the driveway to the garage, 100 ft away.

I used to have an 18-inch outdoor thermomenter on the front of the garage, so I could see the temperature at a glance from the kitchen window.  The thermometer got old and stopped working, with some assistance from kids playing ball in the driveway.  So I need a new one.

Can I find one?  This is the kind of thing I’m looking for, but they don’t seem to come any bigger than 12 inches.  I need 18 inches.  I don’t want any fussy mock-antique decor, either–just the numbers, visible from 100 ft.

There’s a company named Springfield thermometer that I thought looked promising, but they don’t seem to have a website–you just get directed to the Target website, where again the max size shown is 12 inches.

If anyone can help me find an 18 inch plain-vanilla outdoor thermometer, I’d be very much obliged.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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