The Corner


Many readers have e-mailed in to share my distress over the marriage of Anna

Faris. There is wellnigh universal agreement on Ms. Faris’s tremendous

bodaciousness. (Though some readers prefer “bodacity.”)

There are schools of thought within the general agreement, though. The main

division concerns Ms. Faris’s hair. Is she more bodacious blonde (Scary

Movie 3) or brunette (Scary Movie 2)?

I think I prefer the blonde Ms. Faris (or Mrs. Indra, as she now is).

It’s not an easy choice, though. As the Duke of Wellington remarked after

the Battle of Waterloo: “It has been a d***ed nice thing — the nearest run

thing you ever saw in your life…”

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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