The Corner

The Boston Globe Votes No on Assisted Suicide

The liberal Boston Globe has recommended a no vote on legalizing assisted suicide in Massachusetts. From the editorial:

Reasonable people can disagree passionately about Question 2, but a yes vote would not serve the larger interests of the state. Rather than bring Massachusetts closer to an agreed-upon set of procedures for approaching the end of life, it would be a flashpoint and distraction — the maximum amount of moral conflict for a very modest gain.

Pro-assisted-suicide activists often claim falsely that opponents want to force (Catholic) religion on rational people. But the Globe doesn’t exactly adhere to Catholic moral teaching in its editorial positions. Indeed, it has been a persistent critic of the Catholic Church.

Legally prohibiting assisted suicide is good public policy that protects the weak and vulnerable and undergirds the equal moral worth of all human life. And, it helps ensure that killing the sick never becomes a means of medical cost containment. Good for the Globe for hitting the brakes. Vote no on Question 2!

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