The Corner

Boston Here We Come

And no, this is not about the World Series. It’s about the Galactic Series . . . of Life! . . . and how NR needs to stay in the game. And how is that game-staying done, you ask? Glad you did — by us trying to raise some funds from you generous folks who know two things: The first is that the revenues derived from subscriptions, advertising, and T-shirt sales isn’t enough to pay all NR’s bills, and the second is that, in order to get you to part with some of your hard-earned (and soon-to-be-generous cash), we will come to you and press the flesh.

If you live in the Boston area (which to us includes Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine, and Idaho if you can catch a flight to Logan), and want to have us press your flesh (well, that doesn’t sound right, but you know what I mean) on November 20, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Harpoon Brewery, and are willing to make a nice donation that will help keep NR in the game, well, then are you ever in luck!

What’s to be had there? Harpoon Beer, of course (their India Pale Ale is world class — galactic class, even). Homemade pretzels (we had you at beer). Heavy hors d’oeuvres (I think that is Jonah’s favorite English/foreign phrase).

But wait, there’s more! Sign up right now and we’ll add in Mark Steyn, Jonah, Jay Nordlinger, Jim Geraghty, and even Kevin Williamson (just pay separate shipping and handling). That’s right, they will all be there. Will you?

Fun. Wit. Wisdom. Camaraderie. Clinking glasses. Pretzel-eating feats. Discussion of current events. Heck, if someone brings a ukulele we’ll improvise a karaoke contest (Steyn will win!). All that and much more awaits. So join us on November 20 and have a great night and help NR at the same time. Reserve your spot now because the Brewery can only hold 60 (I did mention Jonah, right?). Sign up here.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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