The Corner


Hey, How about Both Sinema and McSally as Arizona’s Senators?

CNN reports, and Allahpundit notes, that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is trying to convince Arizona Governor Doug Ducey to choose Representative Martha McSally to replace Republican Senator Jon Kyl, who is considering leaving his seat before his term ends.

What a strange outcome to the Arizona Senate race.

For the better part of a year, Arizonans have faced this sort of highly charged rhetoric about the 2018 senate race:

“A referendum on the replacement for Jeff Flake and the Trump agenda in the Grand Canyon state – and a grand canyon separates the two candidates! No middle ground or compromise, this is Republican vs. Democrat! Conservative vs. Liberal! This is the clash of the titans! The antiwar protester who called her state the “meth lab of democracy” against the one of the highest-ranking female pilots in the history of the Air Force, the first American woman to fly in combat! Neck and neck in polling all the way to the end! There can be only one!”

And here we are, about two weeks after Election Day and a really tight, hard fought race, and the result might just be . . .

” . . . Wait, wait, never mind. Both women get to be senators! You get a Senate seat! And you get a Senate seat! Everybody’s a winner tonight!” 

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