The Corner

Brahimi About to Make Pick

According to MSNBC, Brahimi is leaning toward a Shiite nuclear scientist named Hussain Shahristani to be prime minister of the interim government. Brahimi may be allegedly selling us out in Iraq according to Chalabi partisans, but at least he reads the Wall Street Journal! Here is what MSNBC reports: “Iraqi officials familiar with Brahimi’s mission said it was an op-ed piece Shahristani wrote for the April 29 Wall Street Journal that piqued Brahimi’s attention. Headlined ‘Election Fever,’ the piece criticized the U.S. occupation authority for failing to prepare for elections sooner and for promulgating an interim constitution that was drawn up behind closed doors. He called for the government taking power on June 30 to have limited powers aimed at preparing the country for elections—a position advocated by Sistani.”

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