The Corner

Brewer Backs Senate Immigration Bill: ‘Victory for Arizona’

​Arizona governor Jan Brewer is giving her state’s senators a vote of confidence for their work on immigration reform. Both Arizona senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake, are members of the Gang of Eight, the Senate group working on the bill.

“I think that what we’re seeing taking place in the Senate is a victory for Arizona,” she said on Fox News on Sunday. “I’m glad that they finally decided to talk about the ‘border surge’ that we’ve called out for since 2010.”

Brewer’s concerns centered almost entirely around border security, but she seemed to be open to legalization or a pathway to citizenship once it was secured. “We need the workers, we need a lot of those people in Arizona, but we have to be satisfied [about border security] . . . and the first step is those resources on the border,” she said.

UPDATE: Brewer appeared on Fox News on Monday and doubled-down on her “victory for Arizona” comment, but specified it was in regards to the “border surge.” Later in the afternoon, she tweeted that she does not endorse the Gang of Eight’s bill.


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