The Corner

Politics & Policy

Brian Kemp on 2024

In an interview with James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal, Georgia GOP governor Brian Kemp takes a well-deserved victory lap but says he’s not considering a 2024 presidential campaign bid: 

Mr. Kemp won’t be on the ballot that year. He answers with a flat no when I ask if he’s thinking of a presidential run. So how does he size up the field?

“I have a great relationship with Pence and a really good relationship with DeSantis. Chris Christie came and campaigned for us multiple times, along with a lot of other governors. I know Tim Scott real well. Nikki Haley came and campaigned for us. I’ve known her over the years, and I’ve gotten to meet [Mike] Pompeo a couple of times. So I’m kind of like everybody else, I’m just seeing how things are playing out and keeping an open mind.”

One candidate is missing from that list. “Yeah, I haven’t heard from Trump.”

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