The Corner

The Bright Side of Florida

I think that a lot of readers around these parts are either elated by McCain’s win or dejected by Romney’s loss. I’m looking at the primary map right now and I’m largely in agreement with Dave that the nomination is now McCain’s to lose. 

But while McCain and Romney supporters are currently offering up recriminations over who launched the most unfair attack, let me just say at least  the Florida GOP race was won and lost discussing the issues.

By contrast the Democratic race — where everyone seems to be marching in lockstep when it comes to policy and the arguments are superficial — seems to have an even nastier edge, especially now that Bill Clinton has injected Obama’s race into the debate. After two years of corruption and electoral losses, it’s almost enough to make Republicans feel good about being Republicans.

Whatever happens, I hope that McCain and Romney are able to bury any personal animus generated by their tough campaigning. Romney is a great and capable leader with a very high profile, and McCain would be foolish not to find a use for him in his campaign and — I’m getting way ahead of myself here — a McCain administration. (I sincerely hope that Levin didn’t just read that and have an aneurysm.)

Similarly, I hope that with the nomination looming McCain realizes the necessity of offering assurances to conservatives. He’s been edging in that direction and he should be encouraged. 

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