The Corner

Brokaw: Silence on Gun Violence Like Not Speaking Out Against Segregation in 1960s South

Tom Brokaw made a curious analogy on Morning Joe today comparing silence on gun violence to a lack of protest against segregation in the South:

All these component parts claim, it’s not their responsibility. The NRA says it’s not about the guns, it’s about violence and mental health. Mental health people can’t share information because we have privacy issues here. The video game industry says we have a right under the First Amendment. Reverend Al, it reminds me a lot of what happened in the South during the 1960s during the civil rights movement. Good people stayed in their houses and didn’t speak up when there was carnage in the streets and the total violation of the fundamental rights of African-Americans as they marched in Selma. And they let Bull Connor and the redneck elements of the South and the Klan take over their culture in effect and become a face of it.

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