The Corner

Buh-Bye Pinky

From the AP:

Democratic Candidates Reveal Childhood Nicknames

POSTED: 8:52 a.m. EST January 23, 2004

Pinky is out. But Spanky is still in the running — as are the Johnnys and Dennis the Menace.

The Democratic presidential contenders are revealing their school kid nicknames.

The two Johns — Sens. Kerry and Edwards — went by Johnny.

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, then and now, was Joe.

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean was called “H” as a kid.

Al Sharpton’s buddies used to call him Spanky from the old “Little Rascals.”

U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich says he was known as Dennis the Menace.

Former Gen. Wesley Clark now goes by Wes, but says he didn’t have a nickname.

And U.S. Rep. Dick Gephardt, who dropped out of the race this week, was called Pinky.

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