The Corner

National Review

‘Burke to Buckley’ Applications Are Due Soon

William F. Buckley Jr. at his favorite instrument, the harpsichord

Do you know someone who is interested in learning about the founding principles of conservatism? Applications for spring sessions of the “Burke to Buckley Program” in New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. are due by December 15.

This National Review Institute program is an eight-session dinner series designed for mid-career professionals (those with between ten and 25 years of professional work experience outside of public policy and typically between 35 and 55 years of age) to gain a deeper understanding of conservative thought and to build a network of talented, like-minded individuals. Each session is led by a notable conservative thinker or National Review writer. Classes will be composed of 20 to 25 participants who represent a wide variety of professions and industries — including law, medicine, finance, the military, and the arts. Important note: This program is not intended for recent graduates, people working in the political fields, or people with an extensive background in public policy or politics.

As one participant noted, “The most significant benefits are the people you meet and relationships you’ll form, clarifying and strengthening the philosophical commitments you support and live by, and the encouragement and refreshment you’ll receive to dispel cynicism with hope.” Alumni of the program stay engaged with NRI and each other by attending alumni events — and become NRI supporters!

Applications and additional information on the program can be accessed on NRI’s website. Join us!

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