The Corner

Bush and Cheney

Feel like hearing a good word about President Bush? I know the media are saturated with praise and recognition of him, but have some more: in an op-ed piece I wrote for the Philadelphia Inquirer, here. My focus is Bush’s basic decency and likability. (This is not a “legacy” piece, although you can find those too.)

Incidentally, the Inquirer asks writers to provide their e-mail addresses, below their columns. Inquirer readers filled up my inbox: with boiling bile. It reminded me of those “Obamacons,” back in the campaign. Remember how they were (constantly) griping about their nasty mail from righties? Their fellow Obama supporters can match them rudeness for rudeness — and go even further.

Also, on last Friday’s NRO, I had an account of a lunch with Vice President Cheney — you can hear him in his own words, here. And let me share just one letter with you about that:

“Jay, Cheney said that the Democratic victory was ‘part of the normal cycle of a competitive two-party system, and it’s basically, fundamentally healthy for the nation.’ Can you imagine a Democrat saying that, after a Republican victory?”

Why, sure. It would just trip off Speaker Pelosi’s tongue, wouldn’t it?

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