The Corner

Bush Wins, All Over Europe

Joshua Livestro in the Netherlands sends this sum-up of the EuroPress on the debate:

The Netherlands: Centre-left Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad says “Bush looked relaxed and energized.” Headline: “President on a roll in heated debate.”

Centre-right newspaper De Telegraaf says Bush restored his credibility with last night’s performance, noting he looked “cheerful and confident.”

Belgium: “Bush fires live rounds at Kerry in second debate,” according to De Morgen. The article says Bush was defensive in the first debate, but very much on the offensive second time round.

France: “Bush plays an offence game,” says Le Figaro.

Even the left-wing Le Monde admitted Bush looked “less hesitant and more aggressive than in the first debate.”

Germany: The left-wing FAZ states that “Bush posted a much improved performance,” noting that Bush was much more aggressive than in the first debate.”

German newspaper Bild uses as a headline Bush’s remark that he just couldn’t see how Kerry could lead the US at a time of war and uncertainty. It also quotes vox pops of American voters saying they were impressed with the aggressive way in which Bush responded to the attacks of his challenger.

England “Bush bounces back,” says The Times. “Mr Bush gave a stronger performance than his tense and stumbling effort in the first encounter.”

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