The Corner

Bush’s Calculations

From a reader:


with regard to Bush’s recent lib-sellout-sounding proposals like NEA funding

and immigration, I think there’s probably more political calculation in it than anything else, particularly with regard to the elections in Congress this fall – the “coattails” issue. Put aside how you feel about the merits of his immigration proposal for a moment and consider the one unleashed by Nancy Pelosi this morning (was linked to via drudgereport this morning) and see a sterling example of how the left apparently can’t help itself. Bush looks like a Buchananite by comparison to this stuff. Is there any reason to think we shouldn’t be expecting a similar blast of “Democrats have a better way” asininity from the Dems on the subject of NEA funding anytime soon? Not to mention the thought that comes to mind: “Who in this picture sounds like a ‘reactionary’?”

Maybe after a few of these “proposals” are floated, the result is that Bush has effectively handed his fellow Republicans in Congress the ability and, most importantly, the evidence, to run against the Democrats in congress as liberal extremists by dint of the Dems’ own counterproposals, and all along, no one with an “R” after their name necessarily cares if Bush’s proposals ever go anywhere as written. After all, just look at how hard he’s been fighting for his immigration program…

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