The Corner

Buzz from the Scene

The general feeling around here is that Fred Thompson pulled out a narrow win over Rudy and McCain, though a few hardcore Mitt supporters are attributing that to low expectations. I have to disagree. Mitt looked scripted, and even if it was calculated, Fred looked free and easy by comparison, and stayed consistently on message. To be fair, Mitt is getting rave reviews as well. It seems his opening line about “tax hikes” resonated well in Granholm country. Analysis on McCain may have to wait until the public sorts out his position on unions.

As for the rest of the candidates, it seems they sort of disappeared after the first act, though they defied expectations that the field was going to rival the vegetable trays at the lunch buffet for personality…and no one wore an objectionable tie. Always a plus.

Now off to the make use of the McCain-sponsored merriment…

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