The Corner

“the buzz was almost audible: McCain alternative”

From the Hotline:

      Romney was the only ‘08 contender to “woo the hundreds of prominent conservatives” at National Review Online’s 10th Anniversary party 10/11 and “the only non- National Review staffer who got a turn at the mic.”

      In very brief remarks, Romney “paid tribute” to the NRO, “describing it as a welcome tonic for people like him whose hearts are in red America but whose homes are in blue.” In fact, both the Ann D. and Mitt Romney Foundation and “Evangelicals for Mitt” helped “underwrite the shindig — a fact that was pointed out by NR editor Rich Lowry in his remarks.” As Romney stuck around after speaking to shake hands and take pictures, “the buzz was almost audible: McCain alternative” (Hotline reporting, 10/12).

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