The Corner


California Is Ordering Places of Worship To Close Again

(Kyle Grillot/Reuters)

Some details here.

I get that this virus is beyond anyone’s understanding, but places of worship are essential services. Believers need to have a little courage to insist. We can be prudent and safe. I had my temperature taken and submitted to other little humiliations (and bigger ones) to get to Mass on Saturday and confession another day. But as I wrote here, bring all the new measures on. We need the Sacraments. So many churches and other places of worship voluntarily suspended public worship when this all started and played by the rules. But this closing business can’t continue. People’s immortal souls are at stake — and their lives, too, when you consider what torture life can be without God.

Yes, you can pray in your room, and we pray-ers all ought to. But safe ways to get people sacramental healing and sustenance are essential if we’re going to move ahead with courage and love. We need the robust leaven of Christian life. You don’t have to have packed services, but you do have to have access.

What is religious liberty anyway? It’s necessary even in a pandemic.

For as long as the grocery and liquor stores are open . . .

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