The Corner

California to Pay $5400 to Make Poor Sick People Dead

California Medical–its version of Medicaid–will pay $5400 for the drugs to make the suicidal terminally ill poor, dead.

Worse, Medical recipients don’t have access to good cancer treatment and doesn’t pay well for palliative care. From the California Catholic Conference story:

Without fanfare or announcement, Governor Brown’s proposed 2016 Budget recommends $2.3 million dollars to allow California to purchase lethal drugs for Medi-Cal patients who want their physician to help them commit suicide.

California would pay an estimated $5,400 per patient just for the drugs yet Medi-Cal patients still have no access to palliative care (designed to improve the quality of life for patients and their family facing serious illnesses.) Even more incredibly, a recent study has shown that Medi-Cal recipients have only a one in three chance of even getting cancer treatments under the system and often cannot obtain second opinions.

Proof that assisted suicide is, oh soooo compassssionate.


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