The Corner

NR Webathon

Calling All Paisans this Columbus Day

(Leah Millis/Reuters)

Remarkable, isn’t it, that Signor Columbus, an Italian, would discover a continent named for . . . an Italian?! And then think about this: What if Mr. Vespucci’s first name was Leonardo? We’d be living in the United States of . . . Lenny. Makes you shudder to think about that.

But we’re not in that place, are we? Heck no: We are living in the United States of America, a place where there are unalienable rights, paid for in blood and sacrifice, a place where there is free and unfettered speech. Except . . .

. . . that there is a quite liberal court, specifically in the District of Columbia (there’s that Cristoforo name again!) that is the setting for a true threat to the First Amendment right, under the guise of a case known as Mann v. National Review. It is our hope that the United States Supreme Court will take our case — which is also your case — from the D.C. court in order to turn back this serious threat to our right – which is also your right – to free speech, a threat that, as Rich Lowry made clear in a recent appeal, has just got to be bankrolled by the Left.

How terribly un-American, that. So is this: Mann v. National Review has cost a ton. So isn’t this: NR is determined to fight, if need be to our last drop of ink. It will cost a ton or two more before we prevail — you prevail — in this legal assault. As we make clear in our 2019 Fall Webathon appeal, atop the list of our various needs is that of bearing this critical case’s legal costs (there is a lot our insurer does not pay). We are confident that people such as you will think this merits your selfless support. So please do be a conservative paisan (you don’t need to be from the Old Country to be tight with us!). As we cap the first week of this endeavor, over 900 NRO readers have already stepped up (or Mann-ed up, as some of us prefer) and offered aid material, and thoughts bracing. We share a few, as is our custom, that have come since our last update, and that hearken to this particular day:

  • Christopher from Sacramento spots us $100 and has us thinking that Bartlett’s may be calling: “My new saying: Conservatives are now the custodians of genuine Liberalism (capital ‘L’).” True paisan. Thanks so much.
  • Chris chips in with $20 and applauds: “Bravo NR. I’m based in Europe. Would love to visit your offices next time through NY. Cheers.” Do that. By the way, will you be arriving via the Nina, the Pinta, or the Santa Maria?
  • Christine from Charlottesville sends along $100 and a simple request: “Please hang in.” Hanging!
  • Chris from Antelope, CA throws a President Grant into the collection basket and states starkly: “Equity does equity.” Hmmmm. But thank you so much.

Folks, do not take the lightness offered here as symbolic of our approach to this matter: Mann v. National Review, if the Penn State professor prevails, will be a torpedo in the hull of the Constitution. That’s why it is your fight too. So, especially if you’ve never done so before, please contribute. Donate here. If you prefer to send a check, make one payable to “National Review” and mail it to National Review, ATTN: 2019 Fall Webathon, 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY 10036. Know that our appreciation will be real and lasting.

And Happy Columbus Day!

P.S.: Your generous contribution supports the journalism, commentary, and opinion writing published in National Review magazine and on National Review Online. If you prefer to send a check, please mail it to National Review, ATTN: Fall 2019 Webathon, 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY 10036.

Please note that contributions to National Review, Inc., while vitally important, are not tax deductible.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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