The Corner

Politics & Policy

Calling Out Harvard’s President

In the wake of Harvard’s spineless reaction to the atrocities of October 7 and subsequent events on campus, Harvard alum Bill Ackman has written a very strong letter to Harvard’s president, Claudine Gay, expressing his dissatisfaction.

You can read it in this Powerline post today:

The issue of equity, or the lack thereof, was another issue about which I heard constant complaints, i.e., the so-called “double standard.” One member of the faculty rhetorically asked: “What would Claudine do if 34 Harvard student organizations put out a statement on May 25th, 2020 that ‘George Floyd had it coming,’” noting that you have yet to condemn the student organization letter which holds Israel “solely responsible” for the heinous and barbaric acts of a terrorist organization.

Harvard’s response to the campus protests might make you think that all the talk there (and on most other American campuses) about the concern that students “feel safe” and that they feel that they “belong” is not at all sincere. Some students get treated like royalty, but others are there just to pay the tuition and suffer the abuse they deserve as “oppressors.”

Read the whole thing.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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