The Corner

Can Enthusiasm Win an Election?

An e-mail from the Bay State: 

Good morning! I am writing to report to you about my experience volunteering for Scott Brown this weekend– I have never seen anything like it in Massachusetts. I traveled down to Brown’s headquarters this weekend with a friend to volunteer. When we arrived, the place was full, with probably 65 volunteers making phone calls and helping out staffers with various tasks. As I was waiting to sign in, I spent some time talking to the volunteer answering the phones at the front portion of the office. She said that the volunteer turnout was unlike anything she had seen during her years of helping Republicans in Massachusetts. She also told me that the campaign had run out of yard signs late last week, as a constant stream of people had been dropping in to get one for their yards (don’t worry, they are apparently ordering more). 

The most remarkable event of the day occurred as I was making calls on behalf of the campaign. I happened to look up from my call list when I saw one of the volunteer coordinators telling a new group of five volunteers that there were no more phones available for them to make get out the vote calls. The group said that they would be willing to do anything to help, and asked what they could do. The volunteer coordinator said “I have heard that there are three empty phones in Wrentham [about 20 miles away], would you be willing to go there? Otherwise, you are going to have to wait”. The five volunteers agreed to drive to Wrentham, but were in disbelief that a Republican candidate in Massachusetts actually had a surplus of volunteers on a Saturday afternoon.

Before this weekend I was skeptical of Brown’s chances, but the outpouring of enthusiasm this weekend changed my opinion. He has a shot.

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