The Corner


Can Someone Please Talk to the Governor of Tennessee?

I hate the death penalty. And I hate it even more in a case such as this one in Tennessee today.

It’s been 35 years since the murders that got Nicholas Sutton into jail, and we’ve seen multiple testimonies since to his humanity. I’m not saying set this man free. But why must he be killed, too?

The governor of Tennessee, Bill Lee, has decided against clemency. I don’t suppose flooding his office with phone calls pleading for this man’s life — for mercy — might change his mind, but it can’t hurt to stand up for humanity. His contact information is here.

The death penalty is a grave mistake. And in a case like this, it seems even clearer so.

Surely someone who read this knows the governor. What an act of humility if he changed his mind. We could use some of that on the public stage. And in this case it would save a life tonight.

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