The Corner

Canada Cont’d

From a reader:

Dear Mr. Goldberg.

I am a Canadian and I think what you wrote is absolute…perfection.  

My country is exactly what you describe in your article.  Canadians define themselves (and I distance myself here) as being “not American”.  Canadians embrace multiculturalism precisely becuase it is easier than to do than what the Americans do, that is,  to demand loyalty to the country and adherence to its laws and traditions.  What Canadians do not recognize as feasible is the very idea that one can be welcoming to all people, but to expect newcomers to embrace what is Canada.  As a result we have a country that has no national identity, no sense of self or purpose.  We go along to get along and pretend all is well.

Thanks for writing your column.  Try to get it run in some Canadian newspapers.  I would LOVE that.


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