The Corner

‘The Candidate of “Eh”’

My quick piece tonight at

In a sketch last weekend following Mitt Romney’s win in Michigan, “Saturday Night Live” had its Romney character boast that it was another instance of voters saying of him, “Eh, I guess.”

“Eh, I guess” looks to be the motto he’ll have to try to ride to the nomination. It was an “eh” night for Romney, although he avoided catastrophe by pulling out a razor-thin win in Ohio where he was trailing most of the night. 

Otherwise, he won one state where he used to be governor (Massachusetts), a small Northeastern state (Vermont), an essentially uncontested Southern state (Virginia), and a heavily Mormon state out West (Idaho). In Virginia, he couldn’t get to 60 percent against just Ron Paul. Rarely has a candidate seemed so inevitable and so weak at the same time.

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