The Corner

The Candidate with the Right Message

While trickery is a concern, the tracking all seems to be on Scott Brown’s side. They have great turnout and ballot-integrity operations in place. The local pollster who always picks the three bellwether counties has Brown exceeding Cellucci’s and Romney’s numbers.

Martha Coakley started cratering when Bill Clinton came in and imploded after Obama’s attack on the truck. 59 percent think she ran a negative campaign; 15 percent think he did. Millions came in online in the last week.

Conservatives have noted this but it has otherwise gone mostly unreported: Brown ran not only on the 41st anti-health-care vote, but also on tax cuts, limited government, and the proper prosecution of the war on terrorists. If Republicans want to win, we have to get the message out that tax cuts work, no rights for terrorists works, and limited government works.

Scott Brown’s first John F. Kennedy spot of tax cuts should be the screensaver on all our computers.

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