The Corner

Cartoonist Portrays Bevin Hiding from His Own Adopted Children

This is life for a Republican officeholder. If you have four adopted children from Ethiopia, like Kentucky governor-elect Matt Bevin, that will not be seen as a sign of your big heart, compassion, and commitment to your values; your critics will cite them in criticizing you.

The Obama daughters are off-limits, but Republican lawmakers’ kids, hey, they’re fair game, huh, mainstream media?

UPDATE: A statement from Governor-Elect Matt Bevin regarding the cartoon by Joel Pett published in today’s Lexington Herald-Leader:

“They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Indeed, today, the Lexington Herald-Leader chose to articulate with great clarity the deplorably racist ideology of “cartoonist”, Joel Pett. Shame on Mr. Pett for his deplorable attack on my children and shame on the editorial controls that approved this overt racism.

Let me be crystal clear, the tone of racial intolerance being struck by the Herald-Leader has no place in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and will not be tolerated by our administration.”

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