The Corner

Casino Royale

Saw the new Bond movie.  As Bond movies go, I’d give it 7 out of 10.  This new guy is good–possibly second to Connery.  He doesn’t look quite right, though–too “cut” and beefy.  This diminishes the gentlemanly quality that Connery carried off so well.  Gentlemen are not ”cut.”  Being “cut” speaks of vanity and trying too hard, both distinctly ungentlemanly.  He is also a bit too hard–the balance not quite right there.  (Though commentators who have actually read the Bond books–I have never even opened one, Bond is strictly a cinematic character for me–say that this guy is closer to the Fleming original.)

And the producers didn’t show sufficient respect for the formula.  There’ve been enough Bond movies now that there is a Kabuki aspect to the thing–certain traditional characters and scenes we expect, and notice the absence of with irritation or distress.  Where is Q?  Where is Moneypenny?  Where are the improbable gadgets? 

Oh, and the movie is definitely, noticeably too long, with padding.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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