The Corner

Castro Reactions

The best reactions to the resignation of Fidel Castro have come from the world’s few remaining Communist stooges. While sane world leaders have expressed cautious optimism about Cuba’s future, and some have even taken the opportunity to show their contempt for the World’s Oldest Commie Nutter, the fellow travelers opened their Soviet propaganda manuals circa 1920 and spewed forth a stream of comical Commie claptrap.

* Gennady Zyuganov, leader of Russia’s Communist Party, called Castro “a brilliant politician.”

“He held the banner of independence and socialism high over the Island of Freedom, Latin America and the whole Western Hemisphere,” Zyuganov, said. “But time is merciless. And Fidel Castro made the right decision — to hand over power to a younger generation of leaders.”

* “To leaders and the people of Vietnam, President Fidel is forever a great friend, a dear comrade and a brother,” Vietnamese ministry of foreign affairs spokesman Le Dung said in a statement.

The Vietnam spokesman’s statement said Castro made an “extremely great contribution to the cause of building and protecting Cuba over nearly the past five decades,” Reuters reported.

* “He is the cleverest and wisest man. He likes to take risks and he is a hero,” Eduard Shevardnadze, the last Soviet foreign minister, told Reuters.

* “We send revolutionary greetings to Fidel Castro. We wish him a long and happy retirement. We also send greetings and best wishes to the new leadership, headed by comrade Raul Castro Ruz, who are taking over the government,” Patrick Craven, spokesman for the Council of South African Trade Unions, said in a statement.

Andrew Cline is president of the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy and host of the WFEA Morning Update on WFEA radio in New Hampshire.
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