The Corner

Change of Wind

New Hampshire’s Union Leader has decided to get with the program:

For months, this newspaper has opposed President Obama’s bold, forward-thinking agenda. What a colossal mistake . . .

President Obama has shown America a bright, glimmering future full of widely shared prosperity and national nice-to-each-otherness. Only by universally embracing the President’s vision can this nation succeed and prosper. Resistance will bring nothing but social distortion, widespread panic and madness . . .

The road to prosperity, President Obama has shown, is traveled by high-speed rail and government-mandated hybrid automobiles, powered by wind, water and air, subsidized by gargantuan energy taxes and paid for by borrowing trillions that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will never be able to repay. It is a road that can be constructed only by an energetic national government unconstrained by law, tradition or actual cash reserves.

The winds of change are blowing, and they smell all flowery. That could be the scent of same-sex marriage. We aren’t sure. But we know that questioning change is bad; stepping back and letting it happen no matter the consequences is good.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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