The Corner

Changing the Conversation

We’ll see if this carries into next week, but my impression when I read that Romney speech yesterday morning was “he’s going to change the conversation about himself with this.” This is how I put it in my insta-reax piece yesterday:

Well, Romney didn’t convert.

Admit it. You wondered if he might announce in his speech on “Faith in America” that he’s embraced Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior in a very evangelical way.

Who could blame you? The buzz about Romney is not that he is a successful businessman and experienced executive, but that he’s a guy who will say anything.

Well, he didn’t “say anything” in THE SPEECH.

I think he did, if the commentary yesterday and this morning is any indication. No longer is he that guy you’re not sure believes anything. He’s a decent, successful, experienced exec who gave a stirring speech about American greatness and wouldn’t apologize for being a man of faith. A whole host of people seem to be giving him another look, have a newfound respect. The speech strikes me as a grand success. But we shall see.

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