The Corner

Charlize Theron: Well-Deserving

I was pleased to read this morning that Charlize Theron won a Golden Globe last night for her performance in the film Monster. Her portrayal of a brutal (and brutalized) woman was a masterpiece of craft. As for the movie itself, it’s an excellent and serious work, one with no time for easy left-wing excuses about “root causes,” or simplistic sermonettes about up-by-the-bootstraps personal responsibility. Its analysis of the human condition is fundamentally Biblical: Our condition is gravely sinful, calling us to be worse and worse; and yet we bear responsibility for our choices. I caution, however, that this film is not for everybody: The violence is extreme, and the portrayal of human desperation is unforgivingly realistic. If you have a strong stomach, this is not-to-be-missed work of art.

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