The Corner


I will be appearing at the Washington Post website for a live chat with readers at one p.m.  It will be about my piece yesterday about John McCain and Christian conservatives. 

I’ve gotten a lot of mail about the story, a good bit of it anti-McCain.  This letter, from a reader in North Carolina, is fairly representative:

As a long time Christian conservative I will not support McCain in the GOP primary no matter who supports him including Falwell. This is a man I don’t trust. Too many times he hooks up with liberal Dems like Feingold and Kennedy to play politics. He voted against the Bush tax cuts, he stifled free speech with his campaign finance reform which has been a dismal failure and he thinks we should play nice when interrogating captured terrorists. I could go on, but suffice it to say any Republican fawned over by the liberal media is supremely suspect in my eyes. I’d much prefer Allen or even Romney. The only way I will vote for McCain is if he is the GOP nominee facing Hillary and then I’ll do so holding my nose. I’ve had to do that more than I would like lately.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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