The Corner

Chevy Chase

For those of us of a certain age, Chevy Chase’s career implosion is something of a puzzle. Caddyshack, the first Vacation movie,  and Fletch are enormous pop culture icons for people who don’t know from Cops and Robbersons. But the truth is that Chase has always had terrible, terrible taste in scripts.  Just scan his filmography if you don’t believe me.  For every Seems Like Old Times there’s at least one Nothing But Trouble (which itself may be one of the worst movies ever made, despite having Chase, John Candy and Dan Akroyd in it).  But last night I channel surfed past a movie that makes me almost feel sorry for the guy: Karate Dog.  It’s about a homicide detective who investigates wrongdoings with the help of a talking dog who is an expert in the martial arts. Chevy Chase plays the dog.

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